Monday, April 26, 2010

Miserable Monday #1

Today I was sitting in my math class, not really paying attention and thinking about this lovely little blog. So I pulled out my handy dandy notebook and was thinking of things to write about. I decided that in order to create some organization and order to this blog, I would need to create days. For example Mondays would be "Miserable Mondays". Each week there will be a different day (for example, next week will be all normal blogs except for on Tuesday, the following week Wednesday will be the special blog and so on).
So, Miserable Monday #1:
Pet Peeves. Mondays are always so miserable for me, they bring out the worst in me and make me bring out the worst in others. Some of the pet peeves that annoy me the most are the following:
1. Improper usage of words such as their, there, and they're, or its and it's, right, write, were and we're (yes people actually do mess them up, I don't how!)you get the idea. For instance; today in health class, there were three people who wrote "their bored" instead of "they're bored" on the board (there's another one, bored and board).
2. Asking a question that the speaker has just answered. For example; Sally says, "And due to all of these factors, E=mc^2 is a false statement." George raises his hand and says, "Um, Sally, yeah, does E really equal mc^2?" Ugh, it gets me every time.
3. Teachers that are wrong. In 5th grade, I hated my teachers. Especially my science teacher. He always told the class incorrect information and spelled things terribly wrong. He once spelled 'muscle' as 'mussle'. But even more so...
4. Student teachers that correct the actual teacher. If you know me, you know what I am talking about. In my American History class, we have a super teacher, we will call her Ms. Right. Unfortunately, we have a terrible student teacher. We'll call her Ms. Wrong. Okay, so Ms. Right is talking about Jamestown, she says, "I don't think any of you idiots have ever heard of this place called Jamestown-*" when in butts Ms. Wrong. Ms. Wrong says, "Well actually, I've been there and it's called Jam-es-town." And I was like, "WTF student teacher, WTF."
5. Last but not least, boys that say lol (as in actually speaking the letters, l, o, and l). It just should not be allowed. Ever. 'Nuff said.

*She didn't actually say this, it just seemed more entertaining than actual facts about Jamestown.


  1. Yes, Ms. PaPhoney...we'll go with that. WHY DID YOU STEAL MY NANOWRIMO!?!?!?!?

  2. Aha! (Dude, I totally agree with you on #4. *Cringe*) Momo! Your blog! It is here! And it is absolutely positively fabulous.
    xo, M
